GS Journal

Style in the Stix | How to wear your GS socks

This month I am very excited to be collaborating with the inspiring duo – Style in the Stix.
Penny & Nikki have chosen six pairs of GS socks and effortlessly styled them throughout the week for all occasions.

Here are their tips for styling your GS Socks:

No more excuses! The days of mismatched black socks taking up valuable drawer space are gone. It’s time to rearrange and revamp your sock drawer, so consider this versatile pairing an important decision in pulling together your capsule wardrobe. Don’t hide these treasures in boots or under trousers – this is your time to embrace the chausette.”





“Trainers are an everyday staple for us; even in winter, socks are always on show and need some thought. White trainers make for an easy pairing. A hint of orange in these socks pulls the whole outfit together. “


Penny wears the Sette cotton socks









“Pull out your favourite dress or outfit and pick out some socks that will complement your clothes or accessories. An opportunity to be a little more adventurous with your selection!”

Nikki wears the Serora sparkly socks









“There are occasions when the boys, dogs and muddy fields don’t feature in our day – an opportunity to wear a dress. If, like us, the thought of tights and a low hanging crotch are not for you, then give long socks a try. Keep to a subtle tone that works with your outfit.”

Nikki wears the Sia merino wool socks










“Pull out your favourite dress or outfit and pick out some socks that will complement your clothes or accessories. An opportunity to be a little more adventurous with your selection!”


Penny wears the Stanton merino wool socks.

Discover the GS Walking Sock Collection







“Thankfully, since lockdown, loungewear is not confined to the home. A great tip for selecting socks is to match them to your shoe colour. These green Marl socks are a perfect paring with Nikki’s fluffy slides.”

Nicki wears the Samar Merino Wool Socks.

Discover luxury lounge socks, made just for lounging.










“There aren’t any rules for the glitter sock, just add fun. Go ‘full on’ dress up or add a bit of sparkle to your everyday. We’re big fans, and every drawer should be home to a pair.”

Penny wears the Sigi sparkly socks.
Discover the GS sparkly sock collection.





Penny & Nikki’s sock styling tips:

  Think about your existing wardrobe and what colours and styles will work:

  • Consider socks for all occasions, from walking the dog to a night out
  • If your sock journey is just beginning go for some neutrals, block colours (burgundy, khaki and denim blue) and subtle patterns
  • Line up your shoes – you will need different sock thicknesses and lengths to wear with trainers, brogues and boots

Discover the GS Sock Collection HERE

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